Mark Azman For North Oaks Mayor

Political Organization


I am running for Mayor of North Oaks. I currently serve on the City of North Oaks Planning Commission, and have served in that role since early 2019. I am the Chair of the Planning Commission. I also served on the NOHOA Board for 6 years (4 as President). I have greatly enjoyed each of these experiences, and would welcome the opportunity to serve the community as Mayor. I am an attorney, practicing in the area of civil litigation and transactional matters. A significant part of my practice is representing public entities, which I have done for over 25 years. If elected, I see several opportunities for improvement within the City, which I outline below. If you would like to discuss any of these items, or anything else, please feel free to contact me. I'm always available to listen and discuss. (1) First, and perhaps most importantly, the council needs to change. We need a city council that interacts respectfully, professionally, transparently and with civility. We need council members to feel they can express concerns and exercise in healthy debate in a collaborative fashion. Sometimes we may have different ideas on how to best move the City forward, and the expression of those ideas is best done in a positive atmosphere. The public also needs to feel the council is approachable, that they are welcome when participating, and that their comments are accepted with respect and will be thoughtfully considered. This strategy includes changing current city policy to allow public comment on any topic, regardless of whether the topic is on the agenda. I want people to have a forum to express themselves because I am interested in what people have to say. (2) Second, in order to make informed decisions, the City Council needs a leader with an understanding of the history and culture of the community. I grew up in North Oaks, living here from 1973 to 1992, and I moved back in 2003. I also served on the NOHOA Board for 6 years (2009-2015), including 4 years as President. I have also served on the Planning Commission since early 2019. This historical depth and experience will allow me to better understand the issues presented to the City. (3) Third, the significant remaining areas of the City available for development are subject to a Developer’s Agreement, which is set to expire in several years. Development of these remaining parcels will require responsible attention by City officials to ensure compliance with existing agreements, observation for compliance with rules and laws for the protection of our natural resources, and the orderly completion of the projects before expiration of the Agreement. (4) Fourth, the City should have prudent and reasonable ordinances in place to ensure the housing stock retains value and the community remains a desirable place to live and grow. These goals include a reasonable housing maintenance code. (5) Fifth, the City needs a proactive plan to address safety and security. This means collaborating with our municipal partners and the Sheriff's office to be ready for crisis events. (6) Sixth, I would like the City to explore, with public input, if a climate action plan has a place within our City. Thank you in advance for considering my candidacy for Mayor.

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