
Enjoy searching for your next home on our map-based search, located under our Current Listings Tab. You’ll be able to see area price averages and research available homes, save homes and searches, and keep track of everything in your own account. To get started just click SEARCH on the CURRENT LISTINGS tab. Once on the search page, move the map to the are you want to search, enter the search criteria you are interested in, and click the “search” button. You will see homes appear right on the map, along with a “List View”. Once you have performed a search you can save it by clicking the “Save Search” button, or you can save individual homes. When you see a home you like, just fill out the quick “Schedule a Showing” form to make an appointment.If you have any questions about using the site, or just want some help, feel free to let us know! We are always happy to help.

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